uPVC Windows Cambridgeshire

Are you looking to upgrade your Cambridgeshire home with new uPVC windows this winter? If so, Art On Glass offer a stunning range of affordable and energy efficient double glazed windows. Here at Art On Glass, we work closely with Liniar and Yale to bring you high quality uPVC windows throughout Cambridgeshire.

Art On Glass offer a variety of stylish and affordable double glazed windows. Perfect for keeping your family safe and sound this winter. Here at Art On Glass, we proudly assure all our customers that our uPVC windows are designed and tested to uphold the Window Energy Rating (WER) set by the British Fenestration Rating Council in 2004.


Secure uPVC Windows and Double Glazing

As professional fitters of  uPVC windows in Cambridgeshire, we acknowledge our responsibility to create the safest environment possible for all our valued customers. To do this we have partnered up with world renowned lock specialist Yale. The strongest name in locks, to ensure our uPVC windows are entirely secure.

Through vigorous testing and in accordance with British Standards Institute (BSI) Yale have developed one of the strongest locks on the market. The Shootbolt. A crafty lock that grips to our uPVC windows with double reinforced steel claws. A revolutionary locking system offering an excellent shield against would-be intruders. Peace of mind in your Cambridgeshire home!

We are confident in the functionality and strength of our uPVC Windows. So confident in fact that we fully back and support Yale’s generous guarantee and warranty. Each Shootbolt lock comes with a massive decades coverage against malfunction. What’s more, we offer up to £1,000 towards home contents insurance directly with Yale in the unlikely event of forced entry.

Thermally Efficient uPVC Windows

It’s all very well us saying saying ‘our uPVC windows are energy efficient’ and ‘buying double glazing from us will save you money.’ The question remains, what makes our double glazed windows energy efficient? Design or materials?

Well, both actually! We work in partnership with Liniar to bring you lightweight and durable frames that keep the winter winds at bay. Our clever uPVC Window designs have an inbuilt integrated series of thermally efficient chambers. These chambers trap pockets of warm air, meaning that cold air can not pass through the tight seals of our uPVC Windows.

Tight weather seals on our uPVC Windows work in accordance with Liniar’s patented glazing flippers to achieve a superior water barricade. They also double up as fantastic noise insulation, combating noise pollution to help you leave your hectic day outside.

Finally, we proudly display the Energy Saving Trust logo on all of our uPVC windows. We only supply and fit energy efficient double glazed windows to your Cambridgeshire home.


Eco-Friendly uPVC Windows

Our advanced uPVC windows are manufactured to minimise environmental impact. The actual window frames contain no lead or steel, making them 100% recyclable. This makes our uPVC windows kinder to the environment and meets new EU regulations before they have been officially introduced.

Our uPVC window frames are engineered to work with the weather, rather than built to just withstand it. We use Liniar’s intelligent profile design in all of our uPVC Windows. The revolutionary profile system has an integrated positive drainage system. Maximum natural drainage that prevents moisture from building up inside the frame of your replacement uPVC windows.

Our uPVC windows are completely recyclable. Our innovative uPVC window designs and careful selection of materials show that we care about our planet, and are doing all we can to minimise our carbon footprint.

The uPVC windows we offer are energy efficient products that are built to last! Each Liniar uPVC window comes with a ten year guarantee against warping, cracking and discolouration.


uPVC Windows with Superior Style

Art On Glass boast a wide range of attractive uPVC windows to suit all tastes. From lavish dark reds to authentic Irish Oak, we are certain to have what you’re looking for. Design your perfect uPVC windows to complement the aesthetics of your Cambridgeshire home. Variety is the key here, and we have you covered. An assortment of hinge options, handles and colours to choose from.

We are more than happy to talk you through all the variations of uPVC windows that we offer. If you have something special in mind talk to us. Here at Art On Glass, we strive to meet all of our customers requirements. Let us see if we can help you.

Find out your uPVC double glazing cost now!

Here at Art On Glass, we’ve made it easy for you to generate a free quote for your upVC Windows. We offer all of our customers a free and easy to use online quote service. It takes just two minutes to create your personal no obligation quote.

Or, if you’d prefer, why not give one of our friendly experts a call? Phone us today on – 01354 655200.



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